Maxowin Endure (EP-90 & EP-140)


Maxowin Endure Gear Oil 90/140 GL4 is blended for use in a wide variety of auto motive axle units which are subjected to heavy duty conditions.


Maxowin Gear Lube EP 90/140 GL4 is recommended for the use in HYPOID GEAR, AXLES. AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENCIALS and moderate to heavily loaded Gear sets of stationary and ancillary equipments.


  • It has specially selected additives which impart good anti wear, anti rust characteristics and oxidation stability.
  • It maintains low temperature flow in the designed temperature range, resists oxidation and maintains oils film between gears.


210L, 50L, 20L, 10L, 5L, 1L, 500ML.